Case Study 04/03/2022
Ash with Die-back removal located on A3090 adjacent to bridge over the River Test
On 04/03/2022 EGD-SERVICES LTD attended site with 2-way traffic management for a valued estate client, tasked with removal of two semi mature Ash with ADB, located on hard access to bankside of River Test, adjacent to the A3090 Romsey, leaving a high stump that anchors a trespass deterrent, and remove waste with only means of access being the A3090.
Using our Unimog mounted M.E.W.P and front mounted chippers, the tops of the trees were swiftly and safely dismantled and, where required, rigged and lowered. Then quickly processed, chipped into bins on Unimogs, keeping site mess down and footpath accessible to the public, under watch of a banksman (lookout).
Once the stem wood was rigged down to a determined point, we the used our tracked loader to pick up sections of stem from over and below the stone wall in suitable lengths.
Use of our in-ear-defender Bluetooth communication all staff on site are always in full multi-way communication, making all operations, from lookout of public and traffic to lifting and rigging out of sight of operator, seamless and safe. The wood length’s were then loaded into the U400 chip body via barn doors, and site left clean, safe and tidy before leaving.